square net

英 [skweə(r) net] 美 [skwer net]

网络  方格网



  1. The gross area is one thousand three hundred square feet and the net area is almost one thousand square feet.
  2. The average gross rate is about five thousand Hong Kong dollars per square foot and the net rate is around seven thousand and three hundred Hong Kong dollars per square foot.
  3. Our fiberglass gauze machine is adequate for weaving square hole and rectangular hole net fabric of cotton and chemical fiber.
  4. A: The gross area is around four hundred and fifty square feet and the net area is three hundred square feet.
  5. The plans for both the building and square connect smoothly to the surrounding net of squares and public places.
  6. Magic square net is website of home's famous online video.
  7. The Algorithm Researching of the Drawing of Inclined& Square Net by Patter Hatching and the Automatic Forming of Map-Outline Optimization of the single-cage mooring system for square net cage
  8. Approximate Calculation of Wave Hydrodynamics on A Square Net-cage
  9. Optimization of the single-cage mooring system for square net cage
  10. A Study on Technical Test of Squid Light Square Net
  11. Uniform Discussion of Square Net Difference Schemes of Elliptic Equation
  12. Square tube, three tube, fold line tube, clapboard tube and net tube are designed as shapes of friction device. Three-dimensional model of the five devices determining a mathematical model and numerical simulation solving method are built.
  13. Three restoration principles of constrained least square method, wiener filter, and neural net work are explained. Experiment results show the restoration effect of wiener filter and calculation time are both better than other methods.
  14. Secondly, describing the simulation method for many parts of grid square sea cage in detail, mainly comprising the net, float pipe, mooring rope, under frame and the float ball.